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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

So, it's here. 2011. I am looking forward to looking forward. My business is in total renovation and I couldn't be more excited about a fresh start. My number one business resolution is to make coffee for wedding consults. I love coffee, the taste, the smell, the illusion it gives me that I can accomplish anything until the buzz wears off. I want to share that excitement when I meet with potential clients. My number two resolution is to stay on track and hold myself accountable. I just read an excellent article about working from home. It said to move your work space as far from your living space as possible, away from kids, spouse, distractions. I laughed a little because just yesterday, I brought my computer from my office to my kitchen table so I could be closer to the action! Counter productive I presume. My third and most exciting resolution is for post wedding consults. My goal is to edit wedding proofs, order the prints, create a 100-125 image slide show of my top picks and a wedding album layout to be viewed 3 weeks after the event. And again...make coffee. I am realizing how difficult it is for brides to choose 70 images from 700 and want to make things a little easier. If we do it together, brides will no longer have to wait so long for their album and I will never have to have an "album design season" of countless back to back designs again. I'm ready 2011, let's do this right!

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